Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Height prediction?

I%26#039;m a female, 15, and currently 5%26#039;3. I am an inch taller than my mom, and my dad is 5%26#039;6. However, my mom%26#039;s entire famiy is really tall, and my dad%26#039;s side have very late growth spurts. He was 5%26#039; in high school, and he had a growth spurt in college. I%26#039;ve been told my wrist bone plates haven%26#039;t closed yet, so this is helpful. Since last month, I%26#039;ve noticed a 2 cm increase in height. Also, my shoe size is 1 size smaller than my mom%26#039;s but I am taller than her. Someone told me having bigger feet means you%26#039;re going to be taller. However, my feet size is smaller than the females in my family%26#039;s. I think I%26#039;ll increase in show size and height. Can anyone help me with a height estimate? Also, height predictors are very varied; the usual one said I was going to be 5%26#039;1.5. Another said I was going to be 5%26#039;5, and one based on my grandparents said 5%26#039;5.25. My dad says I%26#039;ll be 165 cm-168 cm.However,he says I won%26#039;t reach my full height until I%26#039;m 17.

Height prediction?
let nature do its work. don%26#039;t rush it. i don%26#039;t think that there is a great way to predict height, that is why there is so much variation. just go with the flow. don%26#039;t stress out over it, and don%26#039;t get preoccupied by it. you are who you are. if you stay 5%26#039;3%26quot; or if you grow another foot, you will still be the same person on the inside.
Reply:I don%26#039;t know how to predict height, but at your age you probably have the advantage of reaching your genetically available maximum height by eating a nutritious diet.
Reply:There is one way to predict height that%26#039;s fairly accurate.

Take your height at age 2 and double it.

So, ask your mom if she recorded or remembers how tall you were at age 2 (maybe check old growth charts from your doctor?)



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  2. Perhaps you could try writing this in a more clear way? I would use a calculator based on the multiplier method, like this one. You can try it out if you want.
